Loved this. Social Media simplified by a donut!
Source: via Jason on Pinterest
Just another Pretty Cool Huh, LLC site
Loved this. Social Media simplified by a donut!
Source: via Jason on Pinterest
Have you joined Pinterest yet? If you own a website and are looking for more ways to drive targeted traffic, you need… wait, you must join Pinterest – Take a look at the infographic in this article from Mashable. The stat that will blow your mind is at the bottom:
Pinterest is generating more referral traffic to websites than YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn *combined*.
That’s an impressive statement. I started a Pinterest account for our Country Site network about a week ago, and I’m already seeing a nice bump in traffic from the relatively small amount of followers right now. You can check out what I’m pinning at
Our friend Kim Garst just released her new book on Amazon called The Quick and Easy Guide to Branding Your Business and Creating Massive Sales with Pinterest. It’s full of great tips and strategies on how to send massive amounts of traffic to your website from Pinterest.
She also just published a great tip on YouTube today. Check it out below, and if you’re not on Pinterest and need an invite, shoot me an email, and I’ll send you one. Good luck and make it a great day!