The contents of this web site are written and edited by the staff of Pretty Cool Huh, LLC.
While we do receive compensation as a result of our reviews and statements regarding some of the products and services on our site, the compensation does NOT affect the topics or articles on this site.
We believe in honesty and integrity, and the views expressed on this site are strictly those of the staff of Pretty Cool Huh, LLC. Very rarely, we will review a website/product that we are not personally familiar with. However, we only do this because we are already familiar with an earlier website/product from the same company. If we do this, we’ll clearly let you know.
Any and all claims by our site about a product or service should be independently verified with the particular manufacturer or company in question.
Finally, our site contains links to other websites. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of other websites.
Thank you for visiting!